What is Youth and Social Impact?
PMI Bangalore’ focus on Youth and Social Impact is focused on youth and nonprofit outreach activities to create awareness about the usefulness of project management amongst those ages 5-35. We serve these groups via mentoring, building engaging relationships, and networking within the chapter's reach.
What is PMIB’s focus on Youth and Social Impact?
Our primary focus is driven by the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Enabling youth and young professionals with the tools around project management helps in many ways. We focus on engaging individuals through project management as a life skill. As such, we are dedicated to enabling changemakers around the world to elevate their impact on society.
To do this work, we use three primary approaches:

Youth: Sustain our emphasis on young people, creating generation after generation of adults who fulfill their own goals and are prepared to shape their world.

Nonprofits: Amplify our ability to reach and influence youth by emphasizing the global delivery of our services through engaging, experience-based project activities offered through nonprofits.

Volunteers: Leverage volunteers to help deliver the benefits of project management to youth..